I video e le immagini inserite in questo blog sono tratte da registrazioni effettuate dalla TV e, pertanto, considerate di pubblico dominio; qualora la loro pubblicazione violasse eventuali diritti d'autore, vogliate comunicarlo via email all'indirizzo
marps-video.blogspot.com non ospita sul server alcun file audio / video, tutti i file audio/video sono stati caricati su server terzi esterni a questa unità informativa.
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Verranno cancellati i commenti ritenuti offensivi o lesivi dell’immagine o dell’onorabilità di terzi, di genere spam, razzisti o che contengano dati personali non conformi al rispetto delle norme sulla Privacy.
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Videos and pictures included in this blog are taken from recordings made from TV and, therefore, considered public domain, if their publication violated any copyrights, please inform us at
marps-video.blogspot.com server does not host any audio / video, all audio / video files are loaded on servers outside party to this information unit.
The blog author is not responsible for sites accessible via links or their content that may be subject to variations time.This blog is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. Can not therefore be regarded as an editorial product under Law No. 62 of 7.03.2001.L 'author is not responsible for what the readers in the comments to each post.
Will delete comments deemed offensive or harmful to the image or repute of the third kind of spam, racist, or that contain personal information not in accordance with the compliance of Privacy.